Path through the Meadow, Landscape, Original oil painting, Large size painting, One of a kind Signed with Certificate of Authenticity by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Waterlilies Autumn, Original oil Painting, Impressionism, Handmade artwork by palette knife, One of a Kind, Signed with Certificate of Authenticity by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Summer Time, Landscape Original oil painting, Large Size, One of a kind Signed with Certificate of Authenticity by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Village -Winter Time, Landscape oil painting, One of a kind, Signed, Hand Painted by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Birches, Landscape Original oil painting Handmade artwork One of a kind Signed by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
After the Rain, Landscape oil painting, One of a kind, Signed, Hand Painted by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Sail Boats, Abstract Original oil painting, Handmade artwork by palette knife, One of a kind Signed with Certificate of Authenticity by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Grand Canyon, Landscape oil painting, palette knife art One of a kind, Signed, Hand Painted by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Village-Winter Time, Landscape oil painting, Palette knife art, One of a kind, Signed, Hand Painted by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Sunset, Landscape, Original oil painting, Large size painting, One of a kind Signed with Certificate of Authenticity by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Winter Day by Vahe Yeremyan
Oil painting
Waterlilies, Large Original oil Painting, Portrait Orientation, Impressionism, Handmade artwork, One of a Kind by Vahe Yeremyan