Andrea Rossi

Joined Artfinder: March 2021

Artworks for sale: 6


About Andrea Rossi

  • Biography
    I am an Italian artist based in Milan, although it is in London, where I lived for many years, that it all began. From very early, images have been the language that has felt most natural to me to express my visions, ideas and thoughts, all of which stem from the observation of the world and the life around me. Indeed, there is often a narrative dimension to my paintings and a concept that they try to convey. Small wonder I have also spent some years working as an Art Director in advertising, an industry where one makes telling things through images one’s profession. I would define myself as an observer and a communicator. This is how I go about my art—a process that has been going on for about twenty years. I paint on a variety of materials: from card to cardboard, from MDF to canvas and more. In terms of media, I originally used to paint in oils then gradually I transitioned to acrylics. While I would never abandon oils altogether, I should say that acrylics suit my technique very well as I build my pictures with multiple layers and a medium such as acrylics, that dries out quite quickly, means that not too long needs to pass before a layer can be worked upon. I think it should not surprise you, user of Artfinder to…find me here, in this online gallery. Have I not said that I see myself as a communicator? Surely one communicates if someone is listening and why not do it, then, in an agora that gathers an audience of many thousands as Artfinder does? In the twenty years of my practice, I have had the pleasure of being part in various exhibitions; some have been organized as one-off adventures by individuals met along the path, others have been the result of collaborations with galleries. A few of them were solo shows, some more, group shows. I like both formats: the former affords the public a deeper insight into the artist’s work—one is often left with an unsatisfactory feeling of not being able to have one’s work truly understood when a single picture is all you are allowed to hang on the wall— the latter, on the other hand, gives the artist the enriching opportunity to see what others are doing. Well, all these word about me…I have lost count. Too many? Too few? I think I shall leave you to the pictures, each is supposed to speak a thousand of them.
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I am an Italian artist based in Milan, although it is in London, where I lived for many years, that it all began. From very early, images have been the language that has felt most natural to me to express my visions, ideas and thoughts, all of which stem from the observation of the world and the life around me. Indeed, there is often a narrative dimension to my paintings and a concept that they try to convey. Small wonder I have also spent some years working as an Art Director in advertising, an industry where one makes telling things through images one’s profession. I would define myself as an observer and a communicator. This is how I go about my art—a process that has been going on for about twenty years. I paint on a variety of materials: from card to cardboard, from MDF to canvas and more. In terms of media, I originally used to paint in oils then gradually I transitioned to acrylics. While I would never abandon oils altogether, I should say that acrylics suit my technique very well as I build my pictures with multiple layers and a medium such as acrylics, that dries out quite quickly, means that not too long needs to pass before a layer can be worked upon. I think it should not surprise you, user of Artfinder to…find me here, in this online gallery. Have I not said that I see myself as a communicator? Surely one communicates if someone is listening and why not do it, then, in an agora that gathers an audience of many thousands as Artfinder does? In the twenty years of my practice, I have had the pleasure of being part in various exhibitions; some have been organized as one-off adventures by individuals met along the path, others have been the result of collaborations with galleries. A few of them were solo shows, some more, group shows. I like both formats: the former affords the public a deeper insight into the artist’s work—one is often left with an unsatisfactory feeling of not being able to have one’s work truly understood when a single picture is all you are allowed to hang on the wall— the latter, on the other hand, gives the artist the enriching opportunity to see what others are doing. Well, all these word about me…I have lost count. Too many? Too few? I think I shall leave you to the pictures, each is supposed to speak a thousand of them.