Roselin Estephanía

Joined Artfinder: Dec. 2020

Artworks for sale: 29


Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of

About Roselin Estephanía

  • Biography

    Roselin Estephanía (March, 1994), born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. With more than a decade of experience, she is a Venezuelan artist focused on watercolor. Her style tends to blend surrealism with realism in a mix of pure fantasy. Her collectors are attracted to her unique aesthetic in her original paintings: "her watercolor paintings seem to come straight from her heart". For Roselin, her art is her most faithful way of transmitting both the beautiful and the saddest parts of life.

    She attended the University of Zulia to study Plastic Arts, she finished her specialty mention in drawing. In the beginning it was difficult for her to sell her original paintings, as she felt very attached to them, feeling them very personal, but the fact that there are collectors all over the world buying them makes her feel that her message is understood, and that what she is trying to communicate is appreciated. ​

  • Links
  • Education

    2012 - 2017

    La Universidad del Zulia

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Higher Frequencies

    Dates: 3 Nov 2023 - 24 Nov 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    While living the life of an artist, it is a role of each individual to develop a heightened sense of awareness; to be fully receptive to environment and surroundings. It can so often be the smallest or most insignificant of moments and observations that will trigger inspiration with the potential to blossom into a multitude of creative ideas and possibilities. On many of these occasions we feel an unmistakeable charge within the moment, a feeling that elevates the experience above the humdrum, with a soaring pitch that cuts through the static and propels our imaginations into overdrive. So, let us savour the fruits of these significant junctures and revel in creations given life by the dynamic and potent moments within those ‘Higher Frequencies’.

    Event: Otherworldly and Wild

    Dates: 6 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    As human beings we have been granted many incredible gifts, and arguably, the most powerful of those when it comes to creativity, is the imagination. The world we experience is processed and filtered through our imaginations, helping to create our rich inner worlds and affecting the way in which life moves through us. Our inner worlds are truly unique to each and every one of us and have the power to transform our cultures and the environments we live in. Aspects of the external world are remixed internally and given new context, meaning and purpose. The limits of how far we push in new directions are only dictated by how inspired we feel at a particular moment in time. When firing on all cylinders, truly unique and wondrous inventions, innovations and creations are possible. Please join us this month as we celebrate the ‘Otherworldly and Wild’.

    Event: WOW² (Volume VII)

    Dates: 8 Sep 2023 - 29 Sep 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents WOW² (Volume VII), the seventh of our annual exhibitions of square artworks!

    Event: The Eclectic Majestic

    Dates: 4 Aug 2023 - 25 Aug 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    Eclectic: [adjective] deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

    Majestic: [adjective] having or showing impressive beauty or scale; superior to mundane matters.

    Creativity is thought of as the combining of existing parts to create something new. Therefore, casting a wide net is a wonderful way for an artist to progress ideas and boost inspiration. The world we live in is made up of vast multitudes of varying beliefs, ideas, designs, sounds, etc., and remaining open to diversity in all aspects of life can have a truly powerful impact on our imaginations and creativity. It is considered to be in a creative’s best interest to have a broad knowledge of a variety of unrelated topics, as the more unrelated facts and theories we have in our minds, the larger number of new combinations we can make. And this concept doesn’t only apply to knowledge, but relates to all stimuli that can inform and shape an artist’s thoughts and practice.

    Event: Monochromagic 6

    Dates: 7 Jul 2023 - 28 Jul 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    For centuries, artists have created monochrome images and sculptures. By limiting the colour palette to just one, the focus for the artist, and in turn the viewer, becomes more direct and encourages deeper contemplations and closer connections with the colour, form, texture and techniques of an artwork. The artists participating in this exhibition are all brought together through their affinity for monochromatic exploration and simultaneously via a shared passion for the language of surrealism and fantastical narratives. The absolutely intriguing monochrome wonders you will behold, have unfurled from truly masterful imaginations and are loaded with enigmatic and enchanting magic: ‘Monochromagic’.

    Event: Memory Hive

    Dates: 2 Jun 2023 - 23 Jun 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    At first, the concepts of ‘creativity’ and ‘memory’ may appear to be in contrast; one centres around the creation of new and innovative ideas, while the other involves the attempt to recreate events and experiences that have occurred in the past. However, from other points of view the differences may not be as distinct. Research into memory has shown that information is sometimes deleted from our recollection of events and new information is often added that was not present during the original experience. Therefore, it has been argued that the act of remembering involves an imaginative reconstruction of the past. Creative behaviour can often involve elements of memory, as artists draw from their personal experiences. Our exhibition this month is in celebration of the parallels and interconnections between creating and remembering. We welcome you to join us as we enter the ‘Memory Hive’.

    Event: MicroVisions 6

    Dates: 5 May 2023 - 26 May 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    WOW x WOW is incredibly proud to present MicroVisions 6, the sixth of our annual group shows of small artworks; this year featuring over 70 international artists and comprising of close to 100 unique pieces. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10″ x 10″, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition offers collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of phenomenal artists at their most affordable prices.

    Event: House of Many Tales

    Dates: 7 Apr 2023 - 28 Apr 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    The nature of consciousness remains one of the most hotly debated topics in contemporary philosophy. Many philosophers consider experience to be the essence of consciousness, and believe that experience can only fully be known from the inside, subjectively. Our bodies house our thoughts and feelings, making it impossible for someone else to truly know what it’s like to be you. About 330 billion of our bodily cells are replaced daily, the equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion will have replenished; the equivalent of a new you. Despite this continual regeneration, if everything is working correctly, we maintain a personal continuity and identity. Our experiences become our memories and the significant ones become our stories. With this in mind, we welcome you all to join us in celebration of the ‘House of Many Tales’.

    Event: Buried Connections

    Dates: 3 Mar 2023 - 24 Mar 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    As human beings, we are constantly forming relationships, associations, and attachments to everything around us. The bonds we form feed into many facets of our lives and encompass the whole gamut of our emotional and physical experiences. These connections are often of particular interest to creatives, as so much can be learned about ourselves through the exploration of the affiliations that we make with the environments we live in and the people we encounter. Not all of the connections we make are overt. Some may go unnoticed and might only become apparent at a certain point in life, or after having a particular experience. However, through art we can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context, helping us find our own truths within the ‘Buried Connections’.

    Event: Renewal

    Dates: 3 Feb 2023 - 24 Feb 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    The creative life has a natural ebb and flow, where highly inspired periods of productivity may be followed by those times where nothing seems to work out as it should, or even worse, where the dreaded creative block rears its ugly head. Mastering strategies to overcome a slump in the creative process is definitely a must. Getting a fresh perspective, broadening our horizons, exploring other creative disciplines, shaking up our surroundings, and making time for ourselves, are all great places to start. When we allow ourselves to be receptive to new ways of looking at things, breakthroughs readily present themselves and kickstart creative rejuvenation. With freshness and vigor we begin to fall back in love with our endeavours, leading forward to new inspiration and creative ‘Renewal’.

    Event: Ethereal Orchard

    Dates: 6 Jan 2023 - 27 Jan 2023

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    Ethereal: [adjective] extremely light and delicate, as if not of this world.

    Orchard: [noun] an area of land where fruit trees are grown.

    Consciousness, still one of the greatest mysteries to humanity, gives rise to such a plethora of incredible abilities, and to many, creativity ranks right up there with the best of them. There are many metaphors that could be used to conjure up concepts relating to the creative mind. The incorporeal and fleeting nature of our creative thoughts can give them such an ethereal quality and make them hard to pin down. Also, much like the trees in an orchard, they start as small saplings which require time, effort, and nurturing care, before they are able to flourish and bear their bountiful fruits. Many trees also thrive through cross pollination with other varieties and the creative mind shares this trait, almost always benefitting from varying stiumli and the introduction of new seeds of thought.

    Event: Imaginators-a-Go-Go

    Dates: 5 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022

    Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

    Albert Einstein famously stated: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview for life’s coming attractions.”

    Of all the tools in an artist’s arsenal, the imagination has to be placed on a pedestal above the rest. Seen by many as the key that unlocks creativity and innovation, the imagination allows us to think outside the box. It aids problem solving and supports us during adversity. It helps us connect with others on a deeper level, by providing a way to put ourselves in their shoes. It allows us to escape reality and travel into the realms of fantasy, where we can explore facets of existence beyond scientific possibilities and cultural conventions. Put simply, the imagination is what makes us uniquely human.

    With this exhibition, we invite you to celebrate with us, to raise your glasses in praise of the mighty powers of those imaginations in full whirring motion… imaginations belonging to the extraordinary ‘Imaginators-a-Go-Go’.



2012 - 2017

La Universidad del Zulia

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Previous events

Event: Higher Frequencies

Dates: 3 Nov 2023 - 24 Nov 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

While living the life of an artist, it is a role of each individual to develop a heightened sense of awareness; to be fully receptive to environment and surroundings. It can so often be the smallest or most insignificant of moments and observations that will trigger inspiration with the potential to blossom into a multitude of creative ideas and possibilities. On many of these occasions we feel an unmistakeable charge within the moment, a feeling that elevates the experience above the humdrum, with a soaring pitch that cuts through the static and propels our imaginations into overdrive. So, let us savour the fruits of these significant junctures and revel in creations given life by the dynamic and potent moments within those ‘Higher Frequencies’.

Event: Otherworldly and Wild

Dates: 6 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

As human beings we have been granted many incredible gifts, and arguably, the most powerful of those when it comes to creativity, is the imagination. The world we experience is processed and filtered through our imaginations, helping to create our rich inner worlds and affecting the way in which life moves through us. Our inner worlds are truly unique to each and every one of us and have the power to transform our cultures and the environments we live in. Aspects of the external world are remixed internally and given new context, meaning and purpose. The limits of how far we push in new directions are only dictated by how inspired we feel at a particular moment in time. When firing on all cylinders, truly unique and wondrous inventions, innovations and creations are possible. Please join us this month as we celebrate the ‘Otherworldly and Wild’.

Event: WOW² (Volume VII)

Dates: 8 Sep 2023 - 29 Sep 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

WOW x WOW Gallery proudly presents WOW² (Volume VII), the seventh of our annual exhibitions of square artworks!

Event: The Eclectic Majestic

Dates: 4 Aug 2023 - 25 Aug 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

Eclectic: [adjective] deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Majestic: [adjective] having or showing impressive beauty or scale; superior to mundane matters.

Creativity is thought of as the combining of existing parts to create something new. Therefore, casting a wide net is a wonderful way for an artist to progress ideas and boost inspiration. The world we live in is made up of vast multitudes of varying beliefs, ideas, designs, sounds, etc., and remaining open to diversity in all aspects of life can have a truly powerful impact on our imaginations and creativity. It is considered to be in a creative’s best interest to have a broad knowledge of a variety of unrelated topics, as the more unrelated facts and theories we have in our minds, the larger number of new combinations we can make. And this concept doesn’t only apply to knowledge, but relates to all stimuli that can inform and shape an artist’s thoughts and practice.

Event: Monochromagic 6

Dates: 7 Jul 2023 - 28 Jul 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

For centuries, artists have created monochrome images and sculptures. By limiting the colour palette to just one, the focus for the artist, and in turn the viewer, becomes more direct and encourages deeper contemplations and closer connections with the colour, form, texture and techniques of an artwork. The artists participating in this exhibition are all brought together through their affinity for monochromatic exploration and simultaneously via a shared passion for the language of surrealism and fantastical narratives. The absolutely intriguing monochrome wonders you will behold, have unfurled from truly masterful imaginations and are loaded with enigmatic and enchanting magic: ‘Monochromagic’.

Event: Memory Hive

Dates: 2 Jun 2023 - 23 Jun 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

At first, the concepts of ‘creativity’ and ‘memory’ may appear to be in contrast; one centres around the creation of new and innovative ideas, while the other involves the attempt to recreate events and experiences that have occurred in the past. However, from other points of view the differences may not be as distinct. Research into memory has shown that information is sometimes deleted from our recollection of events and new information is often added that was not present during the original experience. Therefore, it has been argued that the act of remembering involves an imaginative reconstruction of the past. Creative behaviour can often involve elements of memory, as artists draw from their personal experiences. Our exhibition this month is in celebration of the parallels and interconnections between creating and remembering. We welcome you to join us as we enter the ‘Memory Hive’.

Event: MicroVisions 6

Dates: 5 May 2023 - 26 May 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

WOW x WOW is incredibly proud to present MicroVisions 6, the sixth of our annual group shows of small artworks; this year featuring over 70 international artists and comprising of close to 100 unique pieces. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10″ x 10″, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition offers collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of phenomenal artists at their most affordable prices.

Event: House of Many Tales

Dates: 7 Apr 2023 - 28 Apr 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

The nature of consciousness remains one of the most hotly debated topics in contemporary philosophy. Many philosophers consider experience to be the essence of consciousness, and believe that experience can only fully be known from the inside, subjectively. Our bodies house our thoughts and feelings, making it impossible for someone else to truly know what it’s like to be you. About 330 billion of our bodily cells are replaced daily, the equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion will have replenished; the equivalent of a new you. Despite this continual regeneration, if everything is working correctly, we maintain a personal continuity and identity. Our experiences become our memories and the significant ones become our stories. With this in mind, we welcome you all to join us in celebration of the ‘House of Many Tales’.

Event: Buried Connections

Dates: 3 Mar 2023 - 24 Mar 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

As human beings, we are constantly forming relationships, associations, and attachments to everything around us. The bonds we form feed into many facets of our lives and encompass the whole gamut of our emotional and physical experiences. These connections are often of particular interest to creatives, as so much can be learned about ourselves through the exploration of the affiliations that we make with the environments we live in and the people we encounter. Not all of the connections we make are overt. Some may go unnoticed and might only become apparent at a certain point in life, or after having a particular experience. However, through art we can relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and external context, helping us find our own truths within the ‘Buried Connections’.

Event: Renewal

Dates: 3 Feb 2023 - 24 Feb 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

The creative life has a natural ebb and flow, where highly inspired periods of productivity may be followed by those times where nothing seems to work out as it should, or even worse, where the dreaded creative block rears its ugly head. Mastering strategies to overcome a slump in the creative process is definitely a must. Getting a fresh perspective, broadening our horizons, exploring other creative disciplines, shaking up our surroundings, and making time for ourselves, are all great places to start. When we allow ourselves to be receptive to new ways of looking at things, breakthroughs readily present themselves and kickstart creative rejuvenation. With freshness and vigor we begin to fall back in love with our endeavours, leading forward to new inspiration and creative ‘Renewal’.

Event: Ethereal Orchard

Dates: 6 Jan 2023 - 27 Jan 2023

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

Ethereal: [adjective] extremely light and delicate, as if not of this world.

Orchard: [noun] an area of land where fruit trees are grown.

Consciousness, still one of the greatest mysteries to humanity, gives rise to such a plethora of incredible abilities, and to many, creativity ranks right up there with the best of them. There are many metaphors that could be used to conjure up concepts relating to the creative mind. The incorporeal and fleeting nature of our creative thoughts can give them such an ethereal quality and make them hard to pin down. Also, much like the trees in an orchard, they start as small saplings which require time, effort, and nurturing care, before they are able to flourish and bear their bountiful fruits. Many trees also thrive through cross pollination with other varieties and the creative mind shares this trait, almost always benefitting from varying stiumli and the introduction of new seeds of thought.

Event: Imaginators-a-Go-Go

Dates: 5 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022

Venue: WOW x WOW Gallery, United Kingdom

Albert Einstein famously stated: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview for life’s coming attractions.”

Of all the tools in an artist’s arsenal, the imagination has to be placed on a pedestal above the rest. Seen by many as the key that unlocks creativity and innovation, the imagination allows us to think outside the box. It aids problem solving and supports us during adversity. It helps us connect with others on a deeper level, by providing a way to put ourselves in their shoes. It allows us to escape reality and travel into the realms of fantasy, where we can explore facets of existence beyond scientific possibilities and cultural conventions. Put simply, the imagination is what makes us uniquely human.

With this exhibition, we invite you to celebrate with us, to raise your glasses in praise of the mighty powers of those imaginations in full whirring motion… imaginations belonging to the extraordinary ‘Imaginators-a-Go-Go’.



Roselin Estephanía (March, 1994), born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. With more than a decade of experience, she is a Venezuelan artist focused on watercolor. Her style tends to blend surrealism with realism in a mix of pure fantasy. Her collectors are attracted to her unique aesthetic in her original paintings: "her watercolor paintings seem to come straight from her heart". For Roselin, her art is her most faithful way of transmitting both the beautiful and the saddest parts of life.

She attended the University of Zulia to study Plastic Arts, she finished her specialty mention in drawing. In the beginning it was difficult for her to sell her original paintings, as she felt very attached to them, feeling them very personal, but the fact that there are collectors all over the world buying them makes her feel that her message is understood, and that what she is trying to communicate is appreciated. ​