Irina Goleva

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Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2017

Artworks for sale: 140



About Irina Goleva

  • Biography

    Irina Goleva is a professional Bulgarian contemporary artist, stage designer and dance performance director. She loves painting and drawing since a little child. Her father was a skillful professional artist who graduated in Vietnam in the late 1960's with the rare specialty of lacquer painting. He taught his daughter how to express herself in the most open, pure, even naïve way. 

    In 1998 Irina Goleva graduated from the High School for Fine Arts in Sofia with the specialty fine art painting on textiles. Later on in 2002 she graduated from the National Theatre and Film Academy with master degree in acting and theater stage design. She is now nationally acclaimed with her contemporary theater performances, for which she has won many prestigious national awards. 

    Since 2017 he started working with the Bulgarian Integrated Artists Gallery in Sofia-city. Now this collaboration is leading to the successful distribution worldwide of more than 30 original artworks of hers and overall development of her art drawing style and online presentation. Lots of his artworks are already part of private collections all over the European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK and the US.

  • Links
  • Education

    2002 - 2003

    The National Academy of Theater and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria

    1998 - 2002

    The National Academy of Theater and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria

    1993 - 1998

    The High School of Fine Arts "St. Luca", Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Awards



    In 2014 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for contemporary dance and performance with her performance "Lexic-On".

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    In 2011 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for music with her performance "Nocturne - from dust to brilliance".



    In 2009 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for debut with her performance "Butterflies are Jet-fighters Actually".


    "Contribution to Bulgarian Culture" by the Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria

    In 2009 Irina Goleva won the Big Award for Contribution to Bulgarian Culture by the Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria.
  • Upcoming Events

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2002 - 2003

The National Academy of Theater and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria

1998 - 2002

The National Academy of Theater and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria

1993 - 1998

The High School of Fine Arts "St. Luca", Sofia, Bulgaria




In 2014 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for contemporary dance and performance with her performance "Lexic-On".

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In 2011 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for music with her performance "Nocturne - from dust to brilliance".



In 2009 Irina Goleva won the prestigious Bulgarian theatre award "Icarus" for debut with her performance "Butterflies are Jet-fighters Actually".


"Contribution to Bulgarian Culture" by the Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria

In 2009 Irina Goleva won the Big Award for Contribution to Bulgarian Culture by the Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria.

There are no upcoming events



Irina Goleva is a professional Bulgarian contemporary artist, stage designer and dance performance director. She loves painting and drawing since a little child. Her father was a skillful professional artist who graduated in Vietnam in the late 1960's with the rare specialty of lacquer painting. He taught his daughter how to express herself in the most open, pure, even naïve way. 

In 1998 Irina Goleva graduated from the High School for Fine Arts in Sofia with the specialty fine art painting on textiles. Later on in 2002 she graduated from the National Theatre and Film Academy with master degree in acting and theater stage design. She is now nationally acclaimed with her contemporary theater performances, for which she has won many prestigious national awards. 

Since 2017 he started working with the Bulgarian Integrated Artists Gallery in Sofia-city. Now this collaboration is leading to the successful distribution worldwide of more than 30 original artworks of hers and overall development of her art drawing style and online presentation. Lots of his artworks are already part of private collections all over the European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK and the US.