About Arturas Braziunas
1989 - 1994
Vilnius academy of art
1981 - 1988
M. K. Čiurlionis high school of art
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Previous events
Event: Personal exhibition opening event at Vilnius Rotuse
Dates: 5 Apr 2016 - 30 Apr 2016
exhibition "they are looking at you" opening event
Event: Personal exhibition at BC "Vertas"
Dates: 1 Mar 2016 - 31 Mar 2016
Personal exhibition
Event: Personal exhibition closing event
Dates: 3 Feb 2016 - 3 Feb 2016
Personal exhibition closing event
Event: Personal exhibition at BC "Vertas"
Dates: 3 Jan 2016 - 31 Jan 2016
Personal exhibition at BC "Vertas"
Event: STILL-LIFE. Contemporary Context in Tradition
Dates: 8 Dec 2015 - 9 Jan 2016
Group exhibition "Still life" of the best artist in Lithuania
Event: Personal exhibition at Domus Galerija, Vilnius, Lithuania
Dates: 1 Dec 2015 - 31 Dec 2015
Personal exhibition of the latest artworks
Event: Europartfair 2015
Dates: 13 Nov 2015 - 14 Nov 2015
Worldwide art fair
Event: Artexpo 2015
Dates: 22 Apr 2015 - 25 Apr 2015
Worlwide artfair in NY city
Event: „Mazurska woda“
Dates: 3 Sep 2012 - 30 Sep 2012
Group exhibiotn „Mazurska woda“, Poland
I'm a professional painter from Lithuania’s wonderful capital city Vilnius. The main themes of my works are mostly nature, animals and landscapes. Bright colors inspire me to create a mystery in my paintings and alive characters of animals I see. I believe in art and feel passion to show my point of view to people around the world. I believe that painting should create a special atmosphere in your house and become the main element, where your soul can find the emotions you are looking for.
I’m a Lithuanian artist, classifies myself as a part of a generation that experienced a national cathartic release of creative energy after years of rigid government occupation and censorship. My worldview was formed in the fracture, at a time when the regime changed. I remember that period…the time of idealism, faith in something good and bright.
The main aim of myself as an artist: “I transform reality, create a unique and artistic world that interacts animals, nature and things.”
I am creating not only an image on the canvas but also a small story.