About Anzhelika Klimina
2007 - 2012
Moscow Art Theater Studio School
2005 - 2007
Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Z.Ismagilova
2001 - 2005
Ufa Art School
Grand Prix Festival "Your Chance"
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Event: Dream Images
Dates: 19 Feb 2024 - 2 Mar 2024
The exhibition “Images of Dreams” explores the limits between consciousness and the subconscious.
Every day, when we sleep, sleep is inherent to our nature. But do we know how to properly manage our dreams? There is the fact that we can exist and live consciously in a dream, in another reality, just as we do here. The exhibition “Images of Dreams” rethinks our relationship with dreams, based on the scientific research of Mikhail Raduga. These works represent the interpretation of dreams, rather than out-of-body experiences that make us wonder what would happen if we began to consciously create and control our own dreams. We hope that visiting this exhibition inspires you to explore your own dreams and allows you to discover new horizons in art and your inner world.
Event: "Images of Dreams."
Dates: 6 Nov 2023 - 30 Nov 2023
The exhibition "Images of Dreams".
One of the main themes of my work is dreams, it is not only about feelings and emotions that we experience in dreams, but also about conscious actions that we perform there.
In my new series of paintings I have tried to convey the idea of a dream practice called "image observation". The practice is to remember the dream or to recall it on awakening in distinct detail, but we tend to remember only a fragment of the dream and the rest of it remains a blur. Therefore, in my paintings I convey memorable portraits with abstract details or vice versa, which are not fixed in the memory, but remain only a blur. Often deep blue is found in my works, which symbolizes the passing night, because it is on the eve of dawn that we dream.
In my presentation, I want to tell the viewer how important it is to have memory and awareness in dreams, and that with this awareness you will find a new life.
Event: Moscow personal exhibition "Water"
Dates: 13 Sep 2012 - 9 Nov 2012
Moscow personal exhibition "Water" in the salon of Anna Korotkova 2012.
Event: Moscow Results of the Season
Dates: 5 Sep 2010 - 7 May 2015
Moscow Results of the Season 2010-2013, 2015
Event: Ufa exhibition in memory of the Second World War
Dates: 1 May 2001 - 1 Jun 2001
Ufa exhibition in memory of the Second World War
Event: "Youth exhibition of graphics"
Dates: 9 Sep 2000 - 18 Oct 2000
annual exhibition of young graphic artists of the Republic of Bashkortostan