Iana Cherepanska

: Feb. 2023

: 28


  •      Iana is a full-time professional artist with over 17 years of experience. She decided to become an artist as a child when her parents first took her to Art museum. Since then, she graduated from art school, after she studied at Art institute and gained a Master's degree in Visual Arts, she also received additional education at the British Higher School of Art and Design.  She has a working studio where she spends most of the time.  Also she creates concept arts for movies and games. 

         In the last few years, she has been working in the technique of monochrome pointillism, which is very painstaking and time-consuming, but it helps her to show the uniqueness of natural objects. After all, just as we consist of unrepeatable tiny particles, molecules, so every point in her drawing makes her work exceptional and unique. 
        She is a winner of a number of exhibitions such as The All Women Artists competition 2021 (USA). Participated in various group exhibitions. 
  • : Art3F Paris

    : 22 Sep 2023 - 24 Sep 2023

    : Art3f Salon Art Internation Contemporain, Paris

    The International Contemporary Art Fair, art3f, takes place every year in different locations in France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. International artists and famous gallery owners from all over Europe, as well as regional exhibitors, meet in Paris to present their works through live demonstrations.

: Art3F Paris

: 22 Sep 2023 - 24 Sep 2023

: Art3f Salon Art Internation Contemporain, Paris

The International Contemporary Art Fair, art3f, takes place every year in different locations in France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. International artists and famous gallery owners from all over Europe, as well as regional exhibitors, meet in Paris to present their works through live demonstrations.


     Iana is a full-time professional artist with over 17 years of experience. She decided to become an artist as a child when her parents first took her to Art museum. Since then, she graduated from art school, after she studied at Art institute and gained a Master's degree in Visual Arts, she also received additional education at the British Higher School of Art and Design.  She has a working studio where she spends most of the time.  Also she creates concept arts for movies and games. 

     In the last few years, she has been working in the technique of monochrome pointillism, which is very painstaking and time-consuming, but it helps her to show the uniqueness of natural objects. After all, just as we consist of unrepeatable tiny particles, molecules, so every point in her drawing makes her work exceptional and unique. 
    She is a winner of a number of exhibitions such as The All Women Artists competition 2021 (USA). Participated in various group exhibitions.