Théophile DELAINE

: Aug. 2016

: 91



  • The workshop by night

    The workshop by night

    13 June 2021

    The workshop

    The workshop

    13 June 2021

    Vernissage Exposition "VOYAGE" 26 juillet 2017

    Vernissage Exposition "VOYAGE" 26 juillet 2017

    This is the story of a man who walks. From one country to another, from meeting to encounter, he evolves, adapts his look to the situations and the landscapes that it crosses, sometimes stops long to contemplate the world that is also transforming itself. This is a story in color prints, the logbooks of an inner adventure, the snapshots of a soul of a vagabond.

    04 October 2017

    Vernissage Exposition "VOYAGE" 26 juillet 2017

    Vernissage Exposition "VOYAGE" 26 juillet 2017

    This is the story of a man who walks. From one country to another, from meeting to encounter, he evolves, adapts his look to the situations and the landscapes that it crosses, sometimes stops long to contemplate the world that is also transforming itself. This is a story in color prints, the logbooks of an inner adventure, the snapshots of a soul of a vagabond.

    04 October 2017

    L'esprit de l'île - The spirit of the island

    L'esprit de l'île - The spirit of the island

    Working for a new serie about Reunion Island. This is the second one. Oil on canvas, 50" X 50".

    28 January 2017



    Vernissage à L' Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra à Saint Denis La Réunion le 5 avril 2016.

    27 August 2016