Roslyn Mayne-Caudwell

: Oct. 2020

: 29


United Kingdom

  • My Garden Studio

    My Garden Studio

    On wet days like today, I think to myself, maybe putting the studio at the bottom of the garden wasn't such a good idea! Then I put my wellies on and run for it! I freeze in the winter and bake in the summer, but it's my little sanctuary. I have an Amazon Echo down there so that if the doorbell rings I can tell them I'm on my way (video doorbells are so useful!) and so I can listen to my favourite music. I'm listening to a lot of classical crossover at the moment as inspiration for getting better at playing the Cello.

    03 November 2020

    My Studio - interior 3

    My Studio - interior 3

    The large one is called 'Crevasse' and it will be listed very soon :)

    31 October 2020

    My Studio - interior 2

    My Studio - interior 2

    Lots of work on my drying rack (thanks to my husband ) :)

    31 October 2020

    My Studio - interior

    My Studio - interior

    The walls are getting a bit crowded!

    31 October 2020