Rod Norman

: Aug. 2013

: 1


United States

  • The artist with the round bowl

    The artist with the round bowl

    Here I am with the round bowl before leaving it to dry overnight.

    11 November 2019

    The Round Japanese Tea Bowl

    The Round Japanese Tea Bowl

    This bowl is a traditional round shape and fits easily into a man or a woman's hands. It is leather hard and will dry overnight outside so that tomorrow I can make the final finish before being left to dry for bisque firing.

    11 November 2019

    The leather hard pounded tea bowl

    The leather hard pounded tea bowl

    I will let it dry more and being to shave still more from the heavy body of the bowl.

    10 November 2019

    Trimming the inside lip of the pounded tea bowl

    Trimming the inside lip of the pounded tea bowl

    As the clay dries to a leather hard consistency, I begin to shave down areas here and there. I am shaving the inside of the drinking lip so the tea will flow easily when drinking.

    10 November 2019

    My ceramics work space

    My ceramics work space

    I enjoy working outside in the shade under my carport. My work table is designed for working on Japanese tea bowls one of which is on the banding wheel. You can see a few of my tools. Many of the wooden ones are handmade. I don't need much room and for next season I'll have a large shelf rack made for drying pieces.

    24 October 2019



    Some changes to the composition and some heavy overpainting. Almost finished.

    12 June 2019



    On top of the underpainting goes the middle painting. This sets up the tone for the final work. It is now ready to start doing the brush strokes that will define the final work.

    11 June 2019



    Now the lily pads.

    11 June 2019



    And here I have blocked in the sky.

    10 June 2019



    Here I have added a green wash overall and blocked in the trees reflected in the water.

    10 June 2019

    Landscape Water Lilies at Sunset

    Landscape Water Lilies at Sunset

    This is the first underpainting. The finished painting will be 24x36 inches, gallery wrapped, 1 1/2 inches thick.

    10 June 2019

    Step One

    Step One

    Blocking in the painting. I roughed out the ship and the background. In doing so I saw that my proportions were not right. This is the most important stage since the proportions are the most important part of any painting of real objects. Always make your corrections now while blocking in the painting so you don't end up with the mistakes made permanent.

    11 September 2018