Lynne Douglas

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2014

Artworks for sale: 565


United Kingdom

Updates from Lynne Douglas's studio

  • Signing Prints

    Signing Prints

    I print on beautiful fine art papers.

    08 January 2022

    On Location - Orkney - Prints 'Low Lying'

    This is where I made Low the minimal shapes on Orkney

    14 August 2021

    New-- Deckle Edge Prints!

    Loving this new 'old' technique of tearing the edges of the paper to create a rough paper look. It took a lot of attempts and lots of paper to get it right! These look great in float frames - ask me about deckle prints for any of my work.

    14 August 2021

    CHROMALUXE Metal Print

    A quick video to show you just how gorgeous the metal prints are. This is King of Clouds, printed at 60 x 40 inches on Chromaluxe metal. This is the luxury end of printing and it creates staggeringly beautiful prints. We had this spot filled with a big metal print like this in our gallery on Skye and we had gasps as people entered the room. The pieces hung in that spot didn't stay there very long, one even went all the way to Tasmania from the Isle of Skye!

    11 April 2021

    Hot off the press!

    Just to give you an idea of how some of these large prints look, here is Lightpools, The Quiraing printed on paper at 60 x 30 inches.

    11 April 2021

    View from the Studio

    This is the view today, 11th April 2021! We had a ton of snow so the place is looking even more beautiful than usual.

    11 April 2021

    New work! The Song of Spring Collection on Metallic Paper

    I just finished a new collection of Spring inspired images which are bright and colourful. If you are looking for a pop of colour in fabulous neon colours, this might be it.

    11 April 2021

    On location - Orkney - Wild and Windy by the Atlantic Ocean!

    A day of wind and rain, no one but me on the beach...

    11 April 2021

    Exhibition in Seoul - Museum of Colours

    The exhibition focusses on the colour blue..... my favourite colour.

    11 April 2021

    Me and Pip at Loch Eck

    Me and Pip at Loch Eck

    The deep dark waters of Loch Eck, a mysterious quiet place surrounded by endless pine trees. Pip, my sometime companion is dabbling in the water. I know I am not going to stay long today as she gets bored quickly especially when wet. Her favourite tactic when she wants to leave is to sit in front of the camera on a rock until I pay attention. Sadly, although I love the company, she cannot come on all my trips, or I would get nothing done!

    21 November 2016

    Taking a break on location on the Isle of Harris -

    Taking a break on location on the Isle of Harris -

    The lifestyle of a photographer sounds very romantic, and it is my dream come true. But, there are times when I am knee deep in cold water, times when I have stayed too long on the beach and found the tide coming in behind me, and times when I have travelled five hours each way in snow to a location only to come home frustrated and empty handed. In the words of performance artist Marina Abramovic, 'Don't even ask me why. I do not know, I have no answer to this insane behaviour.' Then there are the days when the romance of photography brings it's rewards. This image was one of those luxury moments. Taken on location on the Isle of Harris at Luskentyre Beach at the south end of the island. The heat (?) of a late February afternoon managed to warm the sand just enough for me to sit and listen to the waves.

    21 November 2016

    Who says being on location is always tough?

    The deserted beaches of the Isle of Harris, being out on location is not always as tough as it sounds. Some days you might be out there in driving rain, sitting in the car with the windows steaming up waiting for a break in the weather, and others you might be on a beach like this. This is one of the many beaches on the remote and beautiful Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides. The weather this year has been stormy so this was my first trip once the ferry was running again. Harris has to be my favourite destination come rain or sun, the colour of the water is mesmerising and always different depending on the day, but that green, that intense aqua colour, that is just heaven. Sitting alone on the sand and just watching the ripples is heavenly.

    11 March 2016