In a hangar lies the wreck of an airplane showing its skeleton like that of a beached whale. A man watches us with a missile next to him and at his feet personal items for a summer at the beach.
The hangar no longer has a roof and a warm, searching light illuminates the scene.
The work is inspired by the shooting down of the DC 9 I-Itigi in the skies over Ustica which saw the death of 81 people who went on holiday to Sicily.
The painting is done on canvas with raw pigments and linseed oil.
The work is mounted on a wooden frame, chasses.
Work is part of the "Work" cycle.
pigments and oil linen on canvas
1 Artist Reviews
In a hangar lies the wreck of an airplane showing its skeleton like that of a beached whale. A man watches us with a missile next to him and at his feet personal items for a summer at the beach.
The hangar no longer has a roof and a warm, searching light illuminates the scene.
The work is inspired by the shooting down of the DC 9 I-Itigi in the skies over Ustica which saw the death of 81 people who went on holiday to Sicily.
The painting is done on canvas with raw pigments and linseed oil.
The work is mounted on a wooden frame, chasses.
Work is part of the "Work" cycle.
pigments and oil linen on canvas
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