"The Way" is a series of unique sculptures based on the Ikebana tradition. The marriage of the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement celebrating rebirth is further complemented by a technique based on the material Jesmonite. The vase, that is the base, is treated in such a way to produce effects that are guaranteed to be one of a kind for each single one of those sculptures. Let me invite you to see what fate will produce for you!
Each sculpture is handmade, signed, and numbered (up to 20).
Dimensions: 20x42x2 cm / 8x16x1 in
bronze, copper, jesmonite
260 Artist Reviews
"The Way" is a series of unique sculptures based on the Ikebana tradition. The marriage of the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement celebrating rebirth is further complemented by a technique based on the material Jesmonite. The vase, that is the base, is treated in such a way to produce effects that are guaranteed to be one of a kind for each single one of those sculptures. Let me invite you to see what fate will produce for you!
Each sculpture is handmade, signed, and numbered (up to 20).
Dimensions: 20x42x2 cm / 8x16x1 in
bronze, copper, jesmonite
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