'The Tennis Party' was inspired by a faded black and white photograph I have of my great uncle and his wife as they enjoyed their young married life in British Coloumbia in the summer of 1914. They, like so many, had little idea what devastation the First World War would shortly bring into their lives. This mixed media piece brings to life the photo image and depicts the joy they had that summer unaware of the gathering storm clouds which would change their lives for ever.
It can be paired with 'The Garden Party' which you can see in one of the photographs and is listed separately. I would be happy to offer a modest discount if you wished to purchase both pieces at the same time, providing you are not using any other discount code or offer. Please message me if you'd like to discuss this possibility. (PLEASE NOTE: this listing is for one unframed painting).
I ship internationally using an insured, tracked and signed for service. Please note that payment of import duty/tax is the responsibility of the buyer.
paper, oil paint
26 Artist Reviews
'The Tennis Party' was inspired by a faded black and white photograph I have of my great uncle and his wife as they enjoyed their young married life in British Coloumbia in the summer of 1914. They, like so many, had little idea what devastation the First World War would shortly bring into their lives. This mixed media piece brings to life the photo image and depicts the joy they had that summer unaware of the gathering storm clouds which would change their lives for ever.
It can be paired with 'The Garden Party' which you can see in one of the photographs and is listed separately. I would be happy to offer a modest discount if you wished to purchase both pieces at the same time, providing you are not using any other discount code or offer. Please message me if you'd like to discuss this possibility. (PLEASE NOTE: this listing is for one unframed painting).
I ship internationally using an insured, tracked and signed for service. Please note that payment of import duty/tax is the responsibility of the buyer.
paper, oil paint
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