"The Quintessence of Matter" was originally created for the "Beyond The Sea" group exhibition, in Seattle, WA (2017). I wanted to come up with a metaphorical interpretation of the theme and created a small body of work depicting my interpretation of the "great unknown" that is death and the passing to another level of reality (the "sea"). This was the only oil piece exhibited and also my first narrative oil work to ever be shown in public.
Oil, immitation gold leaf
2 Artist Reviews
"The Quintessence of Matter" was originally created for the "Beyond The Sea" group exhibition, in Seattle, WA (2017). I wanted to come up with a metaphorical interpretation of the theme and created a small body of work depicting my interpretation of the "great unknown" that is death and the passing to another level of reality (the "sea"). This was the only oil piece exhibited and also my first narrative oil work to ever be shown in public.
Oil, immitation gold leaf
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