"The Golden Egg" is an enchanting acrylic painting on aluminium panel that uses a captivating blend of acrylic and gold colors to create a stunning golden work of art. This original abstract painting is unique and exudes elegance. Its versatility makes it suitable as office wall art, bathroom wall décor or as a small painting in the kitchen, blending seamlessly into any home decor. The inspiration for this piece comes from the fascinating symbol of the golden egg, which symbolizes versatility, elegance and the treasures hidden within.
Artist: Uwe Fehrmann
Materials: finest artist acrylic colors on Aludibond (aluminum board)
Signed: front and back
Style: Modern Contemporary
Theme: Abstract, golden egg
Format: Square
Size: H19.7" x W19.7" x D0.6" or 50 x 50 x 0.6 cm
Framing: unframed
Date: 2024
Image title: "The Golden Egg"
All photographs on this site attempt to visually represent the paintings as accurately as possible. Due to different lighting and monitors, slight color variations may occur.
Certificate of Authenticity, with photo, date, name and my signature of the artwork.
The artwork is finished with varnish for beautiful colors and long-lasting protection.
The edges of the painting are painted.
Ready to ship and hang.
The artwork will be sent very securely in a wooden crate with a tracking number.
My creative process is often driven by intuition and spontaneity. I let my inner world guide me and try out different techniques. I often start with an abstract sketch and then work in layers of color to create depth and texture. It's a dance between control and letting go, where I always incorporate surprising elements into my work.
Acrylic on Aludibond (aluminum-plastic panel)
"The Golden Egg" is an enchanting acrylic painting on aluminium panel that uses a captivating blend of acrylic and gold colors to create a stunning golden work of art. This original abstract painting is unique and exudes elegance. Its versatility makes it suitable as office wall art, bathroom wall décor or as a small painting in the kitchen, blending seamlessly into any home decor. The inspiration for this piece comes from the fascinating symbol of the golden egg, which symbolizes versatility, elegance and the treasures hidden within.
Artist: Uwe Fehrmann
Materials: finest artist acrylic colors on Aludibond (aluminum board)
Signed: front and back
Style: Modern Contemporary
Theme: Abstract, golden egg
Format: Square
Size: H19.7" x W19.7" x D0.6" or 50 x 50 x 0.6 cm
Framing: unframed
Date: 2024
Image title: "The Golden Egg"
All photographs on this site attempt to visually represent the paintings as accurately as possible. Due to different lighting and monitors, slight color variations may occur.
Certificate of Authenticity, with photo, date, name and my signature of the artwork.
The artwork is finished with varnish for beautiful colors and long-lasting protection.
The edges of the painting are painted.
Ready to ship and hang.
The artwork will be sent very securely in a wooden crate with a tracking number.
My creative process is often driven by intuition and spontaneity. I let my inner world guide me and try out different techniques. I often start with an abstract sketch and then work in layers of color to create depth and texture. It's a dance between control and letting go, where I always incorporate surprising elements into my work.
Acrylic on Aludibond (aluminum-plastic panel)
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