When I was painting this, outside the wind was blowing a gale. The clouds racing across the skies, the sun peeking out, fleetingly, the light constantly changing, and at the bottom of the garden, a small blackbird, struck down by the forces of nature. So curious and friendly, the blackbirds, following me around the garden when I am digging, finding the little grubs and worms I uncover. I'm very sad about the blackbird.
I'm wishing for a change in season, for the sun to warm our little corner of the earth once again, but for now I will be grateful for the warmth and calm of my studio.
There are a lot of small details in the work, the birds, the clouds, a burst of pink flowers in the corner.
As with all my work, there is a lot of structure, a lot of paint on the canvas.
Thanks for looking.
1 Artist Reviews
When I was painting this, outside the wind was blowing a gale. The clouds racing across the skies, the sun peeking out, fleetingly, the light constantly changing, and at the bottom of the garden, a small blackbird, struck down by the forces of nature. So curious and friendly, the blackbirds, following me around the garden when I am digging, finding the little grubs and worms I uncover. I'm very sad about the blackbird.
I'm wishing for a change in season, for the sun to warm our little corner of the earth once again, but for now I will be grateful for the warmth and calm of my studio.
There are a lot of small details in the work, the birds, the clouds, a burst of pink flowers in the corner.
As with all my work, there is a lot of structure, a lot of paint on the canvas.
Thanks for looking.
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