Title: “The Dance of Hidden Shadows in the Mystical Forest of the Unconscious”
(painting from the series «State»)
“The Dance of Hidden Shadows in the Mystical Forest of the Unconscious” is a work by Maria Skakun from her State series, created in her signature technique. The painting was crafted over the course of several months, allowing the artist to deeply immerse herself in the process and refine every detail.
Mari delves into the depths of her unconscious, exploring the interplay with the shadow aspects of personality. By working with emotions often hidden from view — sadness, aggression, and fear — she crafts a space where these feelings find form and meaning.
Through her unique visual code, Maria conveys the atmosphere of a mysterious forest where shadowy entities and inner experiences intertwine in a dance. Each brushstroke and line on the canvas serves as a tool for profound self-exploration. The painting reveals a world where the unconscious unfolds in the form of hidden shadows, transforming into an integral part of inner harmony.
This piece invites viewers to engage in a dialogue with their own shadows, inspiring self-acceptance and turning complex emotions into a source of strength and growth. It is recommended not to hang this painting opposite a window, as sunlight may significantly mute the dark shades.
The painting comes with a certificate of authenticity.
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Oil canvas oil sticks acrylic
2 Artist Reviews
Title: “The Dance of Hidden Shadows in the Mystical Forest of the Unconscious”
(painting from the series «State»)
“The Dance of Hidden Shadows in the Mystical Forest of the Unconscious” is a work by Maria Skakun from her State series, created in her signature technique. The painting was crafted over the course of several months, allowing the artist to deeply immerse herself in the process and refine every detail.
Mari delves into the depths of her unconscious, exploring the interplay with the shadow aspects of personality. By working with emotions often hidden from view — sadness, aggression, and fear — she crafts a space where these feelings find form and meaning.
Through her unique visual code, Maria conveys the atmosphere of a mysterious forest where shadowy entities and inner experiences intertwine in a dance. Each brushstroke and line on the canvas serves as a tool for profound self-exploration. The painting reveals a world where the unconscious unfolds in the form of hidden shadows, transforming into an integral part of inner harmony.
This piece invites viewers to engage in a dialogue with their own shadows, inspiring self-acceptance and turning complex emotions into a source of strength and growth. It is recommended not to hang this painting opposite a window, as sunlight may significantly mute the dark shades.
The painting comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes which are applied when the delivery reaches that destination.
I have no control over these charges, and I cannot predict their amount.
You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order.
Oil canvas oil sticks acrylic
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