Mixed media on canvas and Clear Cellophane Wrap...
“The Abstract Face Series” explores the enigmatic depths concealed beneath the surface of the human countenance. Each painting within this series delves into the profound complexity of emotions, thoughts, and experiences that remain hidden behind the facade of a seemingly uniform face.
In this series, I aim to challenge the conventional perception of faces as mere physical structures by capturing the essence of what lies beyond the superficial. Each artwork portrays a unique narrative, inviting viewers to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence.
Mixed media on canvas and Clear Cellophane Wrap
Now £1,974.54 £2,468.17
20% off sale. Sale ends in 13 days 19 hours
Mixed media on canvas and Clear Cellophane Wrap...
“The Abstract Face Series” explores the enigmatic depths concealed beneath the surface of the human countenance. Each painting within this series delves into the profound complexity of emotions, thoughts, and experiences that remain hidden behind the facade of a seemingly uniform face.
In this series, I aim to challenge the conventional perception of faces as mere physical structures by capturing the essence of what lies beyond the superficial. Each artwork portrays a unique narrative, inviting viewers to contemplate the multifaceted nature of human existence.
Mixed media on canvas and Clear Cellophane Wrap
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