"Belvedere: Dolce fare niente" is a captivating oil painting that transports viewers to the idyllic shores of Termini Imerese, Sicily. In this sunny impressionist masterpiece, two men are depicted in a moment of serene relaxation, seated on a bench atop a belvedere, engaged in conversation against the backdrop of the stunning Sicilian coastline.
Drawing inspiration from Foucault's concept, the painting delves into the unique ability of Sicilians to find joy in the simplicity of everyday life. It's an exploration of the Sicilian version of "Benessere," a concept rooted in the art of self-care and the appreciation of life's small pleasures.
Through my research, I aim to uncover the parallels between Sicilian culture and Epicureanism, examining how these practices shape individual identities and are passed down through generations. "Belvedere: Dolce fare niente" invites viewers to ponder the essence of Sicilian life and the timeless wisdom it holds.
This painting was participated in the exhibition International Biennial of Etruria in Rome in 2023.
Original oil painting.
The painting is unframed. A photo of a painting with a frame is given for example.
The colours of the photo might be a little bit different from the original painting.
The painting is signed by me from the front.
The artwork has a hanging system allowing it to be fixed on a wall, and the sides are painted.
Careful and safe packaging.
Ready to ship.
3 Artist Reviews
"Belvedere: Dolce fare niente" is a captivating oil painting that transports viewers to the idyllic shores of Termini Imerese, Sicily. In this sunny impressionist masterpiece, two men are depicted in a moment of serene relaxation, seated on a bench atop a belvedere, engaged in conversation against the backdrop of the stunning Sicilian coastline.
Drawing inspiration from Foucault's concept, the painting delves into the unique ability of Sicilians to find joy in the simplicity of everyday life. It's an exploration of the Sicilian version of "Benessere," a concept rooted in the art of self-care and the appreciation of life's small pleasures.
Through my research, I aim to uncover the parallels between Sicilian culture and Epicureanism, examining how these practices shape individual identities and are passed down through generations. "Belvedere: Dolce fare niente" invites viewers to ponder the essence of Sicilian life and the timeless wisdom it holds.
This painting was participated in the exhibition International Biennial of Etruria in Rome in 2023.
Original oil painting.
The painting is unframed. A photo of a painting with a frame is given for example.
The colours of the photo might be a little bit different from the original painting.
The painting is signed by me from the front.
The artwork has a hanging system allowing it to be fixed on a wall, and the sides are painted.
Careful and safe packaging.
Ready to ship.
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