Title: Sunny Periods with Spotty Thunderstorms in Maputo
This is the original acrylic painting on black paper inspired by the world weather forecast. I used a combination of bold colors and expressive brushstrokes, I aimed to capture the dynamic and ever-changing moods of the atmosphere.
The artwork has been finished with a glaze of varnish to protect it from sunlight and dust damage.
The painting is signed and dated on the back, and a Certificate of Authenticity will be included with the artwork.
The artwork is painted on paper and it might require a frame.
Size: A4, 29.7 x H 21 W x 0.1 cm, 11.69" x 8.27" x 0.04"
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to ask any questions.
© Pamela Rys
acrylic on paper
105 Artist Reviews
Title: Sunny Periods with Spotty Thunderstorms in Maputo
This is the original acrylic painting on black paper inspired by the world weather forecast. I used a combination of bold colors and expressive brushstrokes, I aimed to capture the dynamic and ever-changing moods of the atmosphere.
The artwork has been finished with a glaze of varnish to protect it from sunlight and dust damage.
The painting is signed and dated on the back, and a Certificate of Authenticity will be included with the artwork.
The artwork is painted on paper and it might require a frame.
Size: A4, 29.7 x H 21 W x 0.1 cm, 11.69" x 8.27" x 0.04"
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to ask any questions.
© Pamela Rys
acrylic on paper
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