"Summer Rain" is a vibrant oil painting created in a single, inspired stroke, capturing the colorful streets of Italy. This interior artwork is alive with blooming flowers, rich textures, and vivid shades. Juicy reds and pinks intertwine on the canvas, with flowers reaching up to catch the rain falling from vertical palette knife strokes. Amidst the blooming buds, a delicate butterfly sits quietly, adding a sense of lightness and dreamy wonder to the scene.
The textured paint invites a closer look, revealing intricate details that seem to emerge from the surface. The sky above is crafted with skillful palette knife work, where vertical lines create depth and dimension. More than just a painting, "Summer Rain" becomes a striking and uplifting accent in any interior, celebrating the beauty of nature and the joy of a blooming field.
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5 Artist Reviews
"Summer Rain" is a vibrant oil painting created in a single, inspired stroke, capturing the colorful streets of Italy. This interior artwork is alive with blooming flowers, rich textures, and vivid shades. Juicy reds and pinks intertwine on the canvas, with flowers reaching up to catch the rain falling from vertical palette knife strokes. Amidst the blooming buds, a delicate butterfly sits quietly, adding a sense of lightness and dreamy wonder to the scene.
The textured paint invites a closer look, revealing intricate details that seem to emerge from the surface. The sky above is crafted with skillful palette knife work, where vertical lines create depth and dimension. More than just a painting, "Summer Rain" becomes a striking and uplifting accent in any interior, celebrating the beauty of nature and the joy of a blooming field.
If you would like more photos or videos of the artwork, just let me know please.
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Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes which are applied when the delivery reaches that destination.
I have no control over these charges and I cannot predict their amount.
You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order.
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