This painting, titled "Bouquet of Summer Wildflowers," is a dry pastel artwork created from life. It features vibrant, blooming wildflowers with rich yellows, oranges, and greens. The flowers are beautifully arranged, capturing the essence of a summer meadow.
This painting is created with professional dry pastels on Pastelmat paper, 300 g/m². These materials ensure the artwork has archival quality, allowing it to retain its colors for a very long time.
This painting is created with professional dry pastels on Pastelmat paper, 300 g/m²
1 Artist Reviews
This painting, titled "Bouquet of Summer Wildflowers," is a dry pastel artwork created from life. It features vibrant, blooming wildflowers with rich yellows, oranges, and greens. The flowers are beautifully arranged, capturing the essence of a summer meadow.
This painting is created with professional dry pastels on Pastelmat paper, 300 g/m². These materials ensure the artwork has archival quality, allowing it to retain its colors for a very long time.
This painting is created with professional dry pastels on Pastelmat paper, 300 g/m²
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