After driving hundreds of thousands of miles attending a series of grievous jobs, to stay local is now my destiny and my delight. I find Cv restrictions affect me far less than the weather. A daily walk takes me across a meadow where I pass this scene. The trees to the right are trimmed in unlikely style. From the ground to as high as the cutter will reach stands a dense hedge, while above that line it becomes a clump of unmanaged trees. Such peculiar culture is common in west Norfolk and fits into the mixture of intensive agriculture and unworkable patches of wilderness.
Please feel free to contact me to put a question or make a remark. If you would like this print in a flat natural oak frame 11 x 14 inches at a price of £125 delivered, I would be happy to create the listing for you. Please use the “contact me” button to get in touch.
Japanese Sunome Senka paper, oil-based printing ink
38 Artist Reviews
After driving hundreds of thousands of miles attending a series of grievous jobs, to stay local is now my destiny and my delight. I find Cv restrictions affect me far less than the weather. A daily walk takes me across a meadow where I pass this scene. The trees to the right are trimmed in unlikely style. From the ground to as high as the cutter will reach stands a dense hedge, while above that line it becomes a clump of unmanaged trees. Such peculiar culture is common in west Norfolk and fits into the mixture of intensive agriculture and unworkable patches of wilderness.
Please feel free to contact me to put a question or make a remark. If you would like this print in a flat natural oak frame 11 x 14 inches at a price of £125 delivered, I would be happy to create the listing for you. Please use the “contact me” button to get in touch.
Japanese Sunome Senka paper, oil-based printing ink
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