This is an original, one of a kind painting. A miner pushes a cart at South Crofty tin mine in Cornwall. The headlamp highlights the rich earth colours of the tunnel. South Crofty has a long history of copper and tin mining, going back over 400 years. I referenced old photos from the 1970's and 80's to create this piece.
It is painted on canvas panel, and is framed in a deep profile, black wooden frame, ready to hang.
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Now £855 £950
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This is an original, one of a kind painting. A miner pushes a cart at South Crofty tin mine in Cornwall. The headlamp highlights the rich earth colours of the tunnel. South Crofty has a long history of copper and tin mining, going back over 400 years. I referenced old photos from the 1970's and 80's to create this piece.
It is painted on canvas panel, and is framed in a deep profile, black wooden frame, ready to hang.
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