Inspired by Italian old town, the cityscape unfolds against a deep red background, with hints of the vibrant base color peeking through layers of the paint. The scene captures an old-world charm, featuring quaint houses with colorful shutters, harbor and boats. The composition is bold and expressive, with an interplay of shadows and light that adds depth and a sense of movement to the scene, evoking a nostalgic feeling of a timeless coastal scene. Rolled in a tube for international shipping, ready to hang within the US. Rolled in a tube for International shipping, ready to hang within the US
12 Artist Reviews
Inspired by Italian old town, the cityscape unfolds against a deep red background, with hints of the vibrant base color peeking through layers of the paint. The scene captures an old-world charm, featuring quaint houses with colorful shutters, harbor and boats. The composition is bold and expressive, with an interplay of shadows and light that adds depth and a sense of movement to the scene, evoking a nostalgic feeling of a timeless coastal scene. Rolled in a tube for international shipping, ready to hang within the US. Rolled in a tube for International shipping, ready to hang within the US
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