"Scratched Landscape" is an intriguing piece of abstract landscape art, characterized by gestural abstraction and expressive strokes. With a limited palette of yellow, olive green, and turquoise, it captures the essence of a serene horizon. The canvas, though small, exudes a powerful presence through its use of oil paint, which lends depth and texture. The artist's deliberate scratches and marks evoke a sense of raw emotion, inviting viewers to explore a landscape that transcends traditional representation, providing a unique and intimate glimpse into the artist's vision.
"Scratched landscape" is an oil painting on canvas.
It has painted sides, ready to hang, no frame needed.
Signed on the front. Shipped in a box.
"Scratched Landscape" is an intriguing piece of abstract landscape art, characterized by gestural abstraction and expressive strokes. With a limited palette of yellow, olive green, and turquoise, it captures the essence of a serene horizon. The canvas, though small, exudes a powerful presence through its use of oil paint, which lends depth and texture. The artist's deliberate scratches and marks evoke a sense of raw emotion, inviting viewers to explore a landscape that transcends traditional representation, providing a unique and intimate glimpse into the artist's vision.
"Scratched landscape" is an oil painting on canvas.
It has painted sides, ready to hang, no frame needed.
Signed on the front. Shipped in a box.
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