"Salmon Bear" is an original watercolor by Jason E Doucette depicting a grizzly bear cub ferociously eating a salmon in the middle of a meandering river with mother close by. The small outcropping on river stones make for a safe harbour for the little cub while she eats.
I love the play of depth of field having done some photography and this composition really spoke to me because of the feeling of peering into a world we seldom see. The out of focus mother to the side and the background blur makes the cub come into focus and makes us part of her world.
Mostly watercolor and finished off with some polychromos coloured pencils for the extra amount of detail.
Arches watercolor paper, artist WN paints, Polychromos pencils
1 Artist Reviews
"Salmon Bear" is an original watercolor by Jason E Doucette depicting a grizzly bear cub ferociously eating a salmon in the middle of a meandering river with mother close by. The small outcropping on river stones make for a safe harbour for the little cub while she eats.
I love the play of depth of field having done some photography and this composition really spoke to me because of the feeling of peering into a world we seldom see. The out of focus mother to the side and the background blur makes the cub come into focus and makes us part of her world.
Mostly watercolor and finished off with some polychromos coloured pencils for the extra amount of detail.
Arches watercolor paper, artist WN paints, Polychromos pencils
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