This is an oil painting featuring a bouquet of roses arranged in a vase. The vase, which is dark and glossy, contains roses in shades of pink, white, and yellow. The flowers appear slightly tilted to the right, adding a sense of movement to the composition. The painting is set against a background that transitions from a light green at the top to a pale yellow at the bottom, invoking a warm and fresh feeling.
oil on canvas
39 Artist Reviews
This is an oil painting featuring a bouquet of roses arranged in a vase. The vase, which is dark and glossy, contains roses in shades of pink, white, and yellow. The flowers appear slightly tilted to the right, adding a sense of movement to the composition. The painting is set against a background that transitions from a light green at the top to a pale yellow at the bottom, invoking a warm and fresh feeling.
oil on canvas
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