"Red Rose (3)" is an abstract and captivating representation of a tango embrace, part of Assunta Cassa's "Le Cassette" series. This 20x20 cm painting, created with oil on canvas, is enclosed in a hand-painted wooden box, adding an element of uniqueness and value.
The composition uses vibrant colors such as white, red and violet to create a work that conveys energy and passion.
The fragmentation of the image into pixel-like squares adds a modern touch and reflects the complexity of the emotions experienced during the dance.
"Red Rose (3)" captures the essence of tango, inviting viewers to feel the intensity and emotional connection that emerges from each brushstroke.
oil colors and palette knives
"Red Rose (3)" is an abstract and captivating representation of a tango embrace, part of Assunta Cassa's "Le Cassette" series. This 20x20 cm painting, created with oil on canvas, is enclosed in a hand-painted wooden box, adding an element of uniqueness and value.
The composition uses vibrant colors such as white, red and violet to create a work that conveys energy and passion.
The fragmentation of the image into pixel-like squares adds a modern touch and reflects the complexity of the emotions experienced during the dance.
"Red Rose (3)" captures the essence of tango, inviting viewers to feel the intensity and emotional connection that emerges from each brushstroke.
oil colors and palette knives
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