Title: Rainbows and butterflies
This magical dreamy rainbow garden with colorful butterflies was created with crushed glass glitter and metallic 3d golden butterflies.
Ready to hang.
International buyers additional import tax duty may apply and it is the buyers responsibility only.
Pinting in room setting might not be to scale please refer to the measurments on listing detail.
Colors might look slightly different in real life due to digital interpretation and lighting.
acrylic, glitter, glass, 3d butterflies
33 Artist Reviews
Title: Rainbows and butterflies
This magical dreamy rainbow garden with colorful butterflies was created with crushed glass glitter and metallic 3d golden butterflies.
Ready to hang.
International buyers additional import tax duty may apply and it is the buyers responsibility only.
Pinting in room setting might not be to scale please refer to the measurments on listing detail.
Colors might look slightly different in real life due to digital interpretation and lighting.
acrylic, glitter, glass, 3d butterflies
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