"Pot with Flying Summer Flowers," a luminous creation by Ovidiu Kloska, belongs to a series that transcends the boundaries of still life, transforming it into a metaphysical exploration of space and time. This series captures a personal temporal eternity, where a pot of flowers becomes a gateway to contemplation and transcendence. Vegetative elements are transfigured into metaphysical forms, and at the limit of figuration, light takes on ethereal, dreamlike qualities—oniric reflections that shimmer with transparency. The flowers are like flying colored silk materials caught in a summer wind, vibrant and free, embodying the fleeting beauty of motion and life.
Kloska's creative process breathes spontaneity and depth into the work. Beginning with gestural raclages and dynamic brushstrokes, he pours liquid colors onto the canvas, allowing them to flow freely and shape their own narrative as the painting dries. This initial layer becomes the foundation for subsequent transparent overlays, delicate sprays of color, and finely controlled interventions. Thin brushes add subtle accents, heightening the intricate interplay between chaos and precision. Through this layered approach, the artwork emerges as a complex tapestry of textures and energies.
While the series title might suggest a connection to Kafka's universe, it instead reflects a meditative freezing of physical time—a pure act of contemplation that transforms everyday realities through the lens of passing moments. For Kloska, the still life becomes a vibrant dialogue between the volatility of the external world and the enduring essence of the human spirit: the conscience.
In "Pot with Flying Summer Flowers," vibrant textures and colors capture the fleeting essence of summer. Flowers, seemingly untethered from their pot, swirl and dance in an unseen current, their petals painted in dynamic hues of crimson, violet, and sapphire. Warm undertones of copper and orange evoke a golden twilight glow, while bold strokes suggest the rhythmic pulse of nature’s life force. The viewer is invited into a realm of meta-reality, a space for meditation and spiritual exercise, to discover the latent energy within—a resonance with the silence of the beginning of beginnings, where the ephemeral beauty of flowers finds its eternal echo.
varnished acrylic on stretched canvas
20 Artist Reviews
"Pot with Flying Summer Flowers," a luminous creation by Ovidiu Kloska, belongs to a series that transcends the boundaries of still life, transforming it into a metaphysical exploration of space and time. This series captures a personal temporal eternity, where a pot of flowers becomes a gateway to contemplation and transcendence. Vegetative elements are transfigured into metaphysical forms, and at the limit of figuration, light takes on ethereal, dreamlike qualities—oniric reflections that shimmer with transparency. The flowers are like flying colored silk materials caught in a summer wind, vibrant and free, embodying the fleeting beauty of motion and life.
Kloska's creative process breathes spontaneity and depth into the work. Beginning with gestural raclages and dynamic brushstrokes, he pours liquid colors onto the canvas, allowing them to flow freely and shape their own narrative as the painting dries. This initial layer becomes the foundation for subsequent transparent overlays, delicate sprays of color, and finely controlled interventions. Thin brushes add subtle accents, heightening the intricate interplay between chaos and precision. Through this layered approach, the artwork emerges as a complex tapestry of textures and energies.
While the series title might suggest a connection to Kafka's universe, it instead reflects a meditative freezing of physical time—a pure act of contemplation that transforms everyday realities through the lens of passing moments. For Kloska, the still life becomes a vibrant dialogue between the volatility of the external world and the enduring essence of the human spirit: the conscience.
In "Pot with Flying Summer Flowers," vibrant textures and colors capture the fleeting essence of summer. Flowers, seemingly untethered from their pot, swirl and dance in an unseen current, their petals painted in dynamic hues of crimson, violet, and sapphire. Warm undertones of copper and orange evoke a golden twilight glow, while bold strokes suggest the rhythmic pulse of nature’s life force. The viewer is invited into a realm of meta-reality, a space for meditation and spiritual exercise, to discover the latent energy within—a resonance with the silence of the beginning of beginnings, where the ephemeral beauty of flowers finds its eternal echo.
varnished acrylic on stretched canvas
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