"Piove" is a deeply evocative piece by Assunta Cassa, part of her unique "Le Cassette" series. Measuring 20x20 cm, this oil on canvas painting is presented within a hand-painted wooden box, reminiscent of traditional fruit crates. This distinctive presentation pays homage to the artist's surname, Cassa, and creates a personal and intimate connection to the work.
The artwork showcases a face fragmented into pixel-like squares, dominated by a palette of blues and blacks. The varying shades of blue invoke the essence of rain, creating a mood of melancholy and contemplation. The partially visible face, with an eye peering out, suggests a sense of longing and introspection, inviting viewers to explore the emotional depth conveyed.
Inspired by the natural world and the spectrum of human emotions, "Piove" captures the interplay of sadness and purification brought on by rain. The pixelated fragmentation of the image highlights the complexity of our emotions and the intersection between the digital and real worlds, themes frequently explored in Assunta Cassa's body of work.
The primary message of "Piove" is an invitation to reflect on personal emotional experiences, recognizing the beauty and strength that emerge from vulnerability and sorrow. The artwork's fragmented face symbolizes the multifaceted nature of human identity and feelings.
Created using a palette knife, the oil on canvas technique imparts a rich, textured quality to the piece. The painting's integration into a hand-painted wooden box not only serves as a support but also as an integral part of its presentation, making each piece a unique and treasured object.
oil colors and palette knives
"Piove" is a deeply evocative piece by Assunta Cassa, part of her unique "Le Cassette" series. Measuring 20x20 cm, this oil on canvas painting is presented within a hand-painted wooden box, reminiscent of traditional fruit crates. This distinctive presentation pays homage to the artist's surname, Cassa, and creates a personal and intimate connection to the work.
The artwork showcases a face fragmented into pixel-like squares, dominated by a palette of blues and blacks. The varying shades of blue invoke the essence of rain, creating a mood of melancholy and contemplation. The partially visible face, with an eye peering out, suggests a sense of longing and introspection, inviting viewers to explore the emotional depth conveyed.
Inspired by the natural world and the spectrum of human emotions, "Piove" captures the interplay of sadness and purification brought on by rain. The pixelated fragmentation of the image highlights the complexity of our emotions and the intersection between the digital and real worlds, themes frequently explored in Assunta Cassa's body of work.
The primary message of "Piove" is an invitation to reflect on personal emotional experiences, recognizing the beauty and strength that emerge from vulnerability and sorrow. The artwork's fragmented face symbolizes the multifaceted nature of human identity and feelings.
Created using a palette knife, the oil on canvas technique imparts a rich, textured quality to the piece. The painting's integration into a hand-painted wooden box not only serves as a support but also as an integral part of its presentation, making each piece a unique and treasured object.
oil colors and palette knives
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