In this captivating original painting, titled "Enchantment Beyond Wonderland," the fantastical world of Lewis Carroll comes to life as a mysterious woman dons a cylinder hat, surrounded by extraordinary creatures. This surreal artwork, a tribute to the Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, presents a mesmerizing blend of fantasy and reality. The hatter portrait is a central focus, capturing the essence of whimsy and eccentricity.
The girl portrait, rendered with meticulous detail, reflects a sense of wonder and curiosity. The canvas tells a fairy tale of its own, with strange and enchanting beings, including owls gracefully perched above and girl adorned with an intricate hat. The forest deer antlers adds an element of mystique to the composition, symbolizing the magic that permeates this imaginative realm.
"Enchantment Beyond Wonderland" is a masterpiece of mixed media art, skillfully combining elements of fiction and portraiture. This Lewis Carroll-inspired artwork invites viewers into a dreamscape where reality and fantasy intertwine seamlessly. The use of vibrant colors and intricate details ensures that each character, from the hatter to the owls and the forest deer, contributes to the overall enchantment of this evocative piece.
▪︎ Mixed media on paper
▪︎ Size 50 x 65 ≈ 19.5 x 25.5”.
▪︎ Covered with a protective varnish to prevent it from dust and sunlight.
▪︎ The painting needs a frame
▪︎ The painting is signed on the front and a certificate of authenticity is attached.
paper, ink, charcoal, pencil, acrylic paint
5 Artist Reviews
In this captivating original painting, titled "Enchantment Beyond Wonderland," the fantastical world of Lewis Carroll comes to life as a mysterious woman dons a cylinder hat, surrounded by extraordinary creatures. This surreal artwork, a tribute to the Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, presents a mesmerizing blend of fantasy and reality. The hatter portrait is a central focus, capturing the essence of whimsy and eccentricity.
The girl portrait, rendered with meticulous detail, reflects a sense of wonder and curiosity. The canvas tells a fairy tale of its own, with strange and enchanting beings, including owls gracefully perched above and girl adorned with an intricate hat. The forest deer antlers adds an element of mystique to the composition, symbolizing the magic that permeates this imaginative realm.
"Enchantment Beyond Wonderland" is a masterpiece of mixed media art, skillfully combining elements of fiction and portraiture. This Lewis Carroll-inspired artwork invites viewers into a dreamscape where reality and fantasy intertwine seamlessly. The use of vibrant colors and intricate details ensures that each character, from the hatter to the owls and the forest deer, contributes to the overall enchantment of this evocative piece.
▪︎ Mixed media on paper
▪︎ Size 50 x 65 ≈ 19.5 x 25.5”.
▪︎ Covered with a protective varnish to prevent it from dust and sunlight.
▪︎ The painting needs a frame
▪︎ The painting is signed on the front and a certificate of authenticity is attached.
paper, ink, charcoal, pencil, acrylic paint
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