When I was a little girl, I stood for a long time, with my nose in the air looking at the stained-glass windows, asking me when they were going out to greet me, these characters in flamboyant colors.
This series corresponds to my approach as an adult. The canvases that I have fragmented, worked in small pieces to make a harmonious and peaceful whole...
Image created using mixed media, acrylic paint.
Two coats of protective gloss varnish are applied to protect the painting from UV rays and dust.
Support: STRETCHED CANVAS , ready to hang, wired on the back.
You will receive a certificate of authenticity on the back of your painting.
Acrylic paint with added tissue paper
10 Artist Reviews
£165.67 Sold
When I was a little girl, I stood for a long time, with my nose in the air looking at the stained-glass windows, asking me when they were going out to greet me, these characters in flamboyant colors.
This series corresponds to my approach as an adult. The canvases that I have fragmented, worked in small pieces to make a harmonious and peaceful whole...
Image created using mixed media, acrylic paint.
Two coats of protective gloss varnish are applied to protect the painting from UV rays and dust.
Support: STRETCHED CANVAS , ready to hang, wired on the back.
You will receive a certificate of authenticity on the back of your painting.
Acrylic paint with added tissue paper
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