Wie sieht ein Morgen des Engels aus? Auch für ihn ist eine heiße Dusche gut, um mit neuer Energie gute Taten zu vollbringen.
Das Gemälde wurde in meinem Studio im Jahr 2018 erstellt.
Ich habe hochwertige Acrylfarben verwendet, gemalt auf Leinwand, aufgezogen auf Keilrahmen, Größe 60x90cm. Die Seiten sind schwarz bemalt.
Meine Unterschrift ist auf der Titelseite.
4cm dicke Keilrahmen, Leinwand.
what does a morning of the angel look like? For him, too, the frissing shower is good for doing good deeds with new energy.
This was created in my studio in 2018.
I have used high quality acrylic paints, painted on canvas, mounted on stretcher, size 60x90cm. The edges are painted black.
My signature is on the front page.
It has 4cm thick stretcher, canvas.
Thank you for your interest in my art. I am a full time artist based in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany. If you love my art and become a happy owner of one of my works, I would love to receive your feedback.
As a painter, I have created several hundred expressive paintings. People dominate in my pictures, mainly women. The body language and facial expressions fascinate me again and again.
Art is never the same, it is always different. It is always an expression of emotions, experiences, relationships, encounters with others, dreams, thoughts, fears, pains, desires, lusts, coincidences and ...
Do you like this theme, but the image size does not suit you, or you want different color composition?
Feel free to ask me the questions, make a Price offer, or to order an indudual picture.
My works are in numerous private collections as well as in companies.
Customers are solely responsible for all duties, import taxes and brokerage fees. These are not included in the cost of shipping or handling of your order. Customs, duties, and taxes vary widely from country to country. Please check with your local customs agency for details on estimated costs. Customs, duty, and taxes are non-refundable. So if you refuse a shipment because of unexpected import fees, the cost of the original shipping, any brokerage/customs/duty/taxes, and any return shipping charges will not be refunded.
2 Artist Reviews
Wie sieht ein Morgen des Engels aus? Auch für ihn ist eine heiße Dusche gut, um mit neuer Energie gute Taten zu vollbringen.
Das Gemälde wurde in meinem Studio im Jahr 2018 erstellt.
Ich habe hochwertige Acrylfarben verwendet, gemalt auf Leinwand, aufgezogen auf Keilrahmen, Größe 60x90cm. Die Seiten sind schwarz bemalt.
Meine Unterschrift ist auf der Titelseite.
4cm dicke Keilrahmen, Leinwand.
what does a morning of the angel look like? For him, too, the frissing shower is good for doing good deeds with new energy.
This was created in my studio in 2018.
I have used high quality acrylic paints, painted on canvas, mounted on stretcher, size 60x90cm. The edges are painted black.
My signature is on the front page.
It has 4cm thick stretcher, canvas.
Thank you for your interest in my art. I am a full time artist based in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany. If you love my art and become a happy owner of one of my works, I would love to receive your feedback.
As a painter, I have created several hundred expressive paintings. People dominate in my pictures, mainly women. The body language and facial expressions fascinate me again and again.
Art is never the same, it is always different. It is always an expression of emotions, experiences, relationships, encounters with others, dreams, thoughts, fears, pains, desires, lusts, coincidences and ...
Do you like this theme, but the image size does not suit you, or you want different color composition?
Feel free to ask me the questions, make a Price offer, or to order an indudual picture.
My works are in numerous private collections as well as in companies.
Customers are solely responsible for all duties, import taxes and brokerage fees. These are not included in the cost of shipping or handling of your order. Customs, duties, and taxes vary widely from country to country. Please check with your local customs agency for details on estimated costs. Customs, duty, and taxes are non-refundable. So if you refuse a shipment because of unexpected import fees, the cost of the original shipping, any brokerage/customs/duty/taxes, and any return shipping charges will not be refunded.
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