Title: Once upon a time...
Once upon a time in a place far away.... a place of dreamy white waves and a fresh pink dawn sky. This was created on the remote deserted beaches of southern Iceland on a day that promised everything.
About My Work
I am passionate about using luxury papers/canvases that hold their colours for a lifetime! For these special large prints of my work I use beautiful museum quality Canvas and the highest quality inks. I do all my own printing, having spent years learning this skill I prefer to maintain control of the colour representation at all stages to ensure you get a truly handmade image.
About My Materials
People often say that my images look like paintings because of the richness of the colours, the depth of the black and the texture of the materials I use.
Other Sizes
I am happy to take custom orders, just drop me a line if you prefer this in another size or on fine art paper.
A Note on Canvases
Canvases are unframed and unmounted, they need to be stretched or framed once you get them. They are varnished which creates a soft silky appearance and come with 2 inch (5cm) border to allow for stretching round the frame. Once ready, they are carefully wrapped in acid free tissue then shipped in a sturdy art tube to ensure safe delivery.
Fine art canvas and non fade ink
123 Artist Reviews
Title: Once upon a time...
Once upon a time in a place far away.... a place of dreamy white waves and a fresh pink dawn sky. This was created on the remote deserted beaches of southern Iceland on a day that promised everything.
About My Work
I am passionate about using luxury papers/canvases that hold their colours for a lifetime! For these special large prints of my work I use beautiful museum quality Canvas and the highest quality inks. I do all my own printing, having spent years learning this skill I prefer to maintain control of the colour representation at all stages to ensure you get a truly handmade image.
About My Materials
People often say that my images look like paintings because of the richness of the colours, the depth of the black and the texture of the materials I use.
Other Sizes
I am happy to take custom orders, just drop me a line if you prefer this in another size or on fine art paper.
A Note on Canvases
Canvases are unframed and unmounted, they need to be stretched or framed once you get them. They are varnished which creates a soft silky appearance and come with 2 inch (5cm) border to allow for stretching round the frame. Once ready, they are carefully wrapped in acid free tissue then shipped in a sturdy art tube to ensure safe delivery.
Fine art canvas and non fade ink
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