"Old Shepherd" is a piece of a larger series that delves into the rich cultures of Armenia and Georgia, two countries the artist has never physically visited. In this evocative painting, an elderly shepherd, adorned with a flowing white beard, cradles a gentle lamb in his arms. It is a poignant symbol of his profound connection to the land and its inhabitants.
The landscape beneath him is a sea of dandelions, their white heads swaying like ethereal clouds. Above, wisps of smoke rise from the intricately embroidered houses that adorn his attire, melding the tangible with the spiritual.
The colours employed in this artwork are a celebration of joy, delicate and light, a reflection of the artist's admiration for the vivacity and spirit of the cultures that inspired this series. Here, figures and landscape meld into a harmonious union, encapsulating the timeless relationship between humanity and the and the environment.
Tempera, Acrylic
"Old Shepherd" is a piece of a larger series that delves into the rich cultures of Armenia and Georgia, two countries the artist has never physically visited. In this evocative painting, an elderly shepherd, adorned with a flowing white beard, cradles a gentle lamb in his arms. It is a poignant symbol of his profound connection to the land and its inhabitants.
The landscape beneath him is a sea of dandelions, their white heads swaying like ethereal clouds. Above, wisps of smoke rise from the intricately embroidered houses that adorn his attire, melding the tangible with the spiritual.
The colours employed in this artwork are a celebration of joy, delicate and light, a reflection of the artist's admiration for the vivacity and spirit of the cultures that inspired this series. Here, figures and landscape meld into a harmonious union, encapsulating the timeless relationship between humanity and the and the environment.
Tempera, Acrylic
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