"Night Kyiv city" is a captivating watercolor artwork that portrays the mysterious beauty of Kyiv’s Podil district at night during a blackout in Ukraine. The scene is brought to life by the subtle reflection of light on the wet cobblestone streets, creating an intriguing contrast between deep shadows and soft illumination. The architecture of Podil’s historic buildings stands out in the darkness, adding to the charm and allure of the city’s streets at night.
Figures walking through the scene introduce movement and intrigue, while colorful garlands subtly light the dark surroundings, adding warmth to the urban landscape. This painting perfectly captures the balance between light and shadow, highlighting the iconic buildings of Kyiv’s Podil district and showcasing the city’s strength and charm during even the darkest hours.
An excellent addition for those who appreciate cityscapes, architecture, and the atmosphere of night scenes, this artwork brings the unique elegance of Kyiv’s streets into any space.
Painted on 100% cotton, 300 g, acid-free, cold-pressed archival watercolor paper, using high-quality watercolor pigments.
The Certificate of Authenticity is included.
Note: The artwork is shipped without frame. Pictures with frame are here for you to imagine how the art might look like.
The in-situ images might not be to scale and are only for illustrative purposes.
Watercolor on paper
1 Artist Reviews
Now £507.46 £597.01
15% off sale. Sale ends in 4 days 5 hours
"Night Kyiv city" is a captivating watercolor artwork that portrays the mysterious beauty of Kyiv’s Podil district at night during a blackout in Ukraine. The scene is brought to life by the subtle reflection of light on the wet cobblestone streets, creating an intriguing contrast between deep shadows and soft illumination. The architecture of Podil’s historic buildings stands out in the darkness, adding to the charm and allure of the city’s streets at night.
Figures walking through the scene introduce movement and intrigue, while colorful garlands subtly light the dark surroundings, adding warmth to the urban landscape. This painting perfectly captures the balance between light and shadow, highlighting the iconic buildings of Kyiv’s Podil district and showcasing the city’s strength and charm during even the darkest hours.
An excellent addition for those who appreciate cityscapes, architecture, and the atmosphere of night scenes, this artwork brings the unique elegance of Kyiv’s streets into any space.
Painted on 100% cotton, 300 g, acid-free, cold-pressed archival watercolor paper, using high-quality watercolor pigments.
The Certificate of Authenticity is included.
Note: The artwork is shipped without frame. Pictures with frame are here for you to imagine how the art might look like.
The in-situ images might not be to scale and are only for illustrative purposes.
Watercolor on paper
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