This painting has been sold. You will get the same artwork (95 % similar painting)
You can order an even bigger painting, as you wish...
This is an original oil on canvas, stretched on professional frame bar.
I present to you remarkable painting. This is a true and essential impressionism.
Layers of color gives an extraordinary beauty to the painting.
It's a lot more beautiful live.
Thank you for watching.
Borko Sainovic - Borsaino
oil colors, linen, brushes, varnish...
1 Artist Reviews
This painting has been sold. You will get the same artwork (95 % similar painting)
You can order an even bigger painting, as you wish...
This is an original oil on canvas, stretched on professional frame bar.
I present to you remarkable painting. This is a true and essential impressionism.
Layers of color gives an extraordinary beauty to the painting.
It's a lot more beautiful live.
Thank you for watching.
Borko Sainovic - Borsaino
oil colors, linen, brushes, varnish...
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