Luka, the super hero, is a charismatic and resourceful individual who possesses extraordinary abilities. With his power of telekinesis, he can manipulate objects with his mind, allowing him to move things without physical contact. Luka's heightened senses grant him exceptional perception, enabling him to detect even the slightest changes in his surroundings. Additionally, he has the ability of time manipulation, allowing him to slow down or speed up time as needed. With his unwavering determination and quick thinking, Luka uses his powers to protect the innocent and bring justice to those in need.
Cement, Acrylic
Luka, the super hero, is a charismatic and resourceful individual who possesses extraordinary abilities. With his power of telekinesis, he can manipulate objects with his mind, allowing him to move things without physical contact. Luka's heightened senses grant him exceptional perception, enabling him to detect even the slightest changes in his surroundings. Additionally, he has the ability of time manipulation, allowing him to slow down or speed up time as needed. With his unwavering determination and quick thinking, Luka uses his powers to protect the innocent and bring justice to those in need.
Cement, Acrylic
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