"The sea sends me into a trance, easily pulling me with her. And in her depths, I let go and find acceptance for the transience of everything." -- by Franzi Kinzel
Phantasie of a beautiful woman sleeping in a conch shell on the seabed. The shot was taken with a small mirror put in the shell. The face is just a reflection in the mirror.
Archival Inkjet print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag
"The sea sends me into a trance, easily pulling me with her. And in her depths, I let go and find acceptance for the transience of everything." -- by Franzi Kinzel
Phantasie of a beautiful woman sleeping in a conch shell on the seabed. The shot was taken with a small mirror put in the shell. The face is just a reflection in the mirror.
Archival Inkjet print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag
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