Can we say : behind the apparition ? - behind what? - is it there or not? The painting, its fluidity and covering power, colorful enough is there all right and already a mistery almost a miracle is taking place there on the canvas. As a matter of fact as soon as the plan, the surface is being covered it entered the field of representation, it becomes something else a kind of alchemy occurs, "the apparition". This picture does not go any further but in a very straightforward way it sets the painting as if it could be written on a page, a few words of matters colors and shapes.
Acryl paint, canvas, wooden strecher, light varnish and string.
Can we say : behind the apparition ? - behind what? - is it there or not? The painting, its fluidity and covering power, colorful enough is there all right and already a mistery almost a miracle is taking place there on the canvas. As a matter of fact as soon as the plan, the surface is being covered it entered the field of representation, it becomes something else a kind of alchemy occurs, "the apparition". This picture does not go any further but in a very straightforward way it sets the painting as if it could be written on a page, a few words of matters colors and shapes.
Acryl paint, canvas, wooden strecher, light varnish and string.
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