And let the peonies bloom for a very short time, but with their unsurpassed aroma and resemblance to a fragile rose, inspire artists to new creations!
This flower inspires me every year for a new picture!
But this year, the peony painting has become more patriotic and similar to our home country because of the colors!
She is like a yellow sun in the blue sky, gives light and warmth! Peonies have sincere and open energy, constant purity and healing power. This plant symbolizes love, wealth and prosperity!
This picture will always decorate the interior and inspire joy and life!
Oil, canvas
3 Artist Reviews
And let the peonies bloom for a very short time, but with their unsurpassed aroma and resemblance to a fragile rose, inspire artists to new creations!
This flower inspires me every year for a new picture!
But this year, the peony painting has become more patriotic and similar to our home country because of the colors!
She is like a yellow sun in the blue sky, gives light and warmth! Peonies have sincere and open energy, constant purity and healing power. This plant symbolizes love, wealth and prosperity!
This picture will always decorate the interior and inspire joy and life!
Oil, canvas
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