“Innocent X” is the fourth installment in the “In Majesty” series. It represents Innocent X, in reference to the portrait of the pope executed by Velazquez in 1650. The painting takes up more broadly the iconography of portraits of the pope, sitting haloed in red initiated by Raphael.
The portrait of an innocent X, revisited by Bacon, has become an icon of art history, yet when I saw it in Rome it was a real aesthetic shock that gripped me.
oil painting
“Innocent X” is the fourth installment in the “In Majesty” series. It represents Innocent X, in reference to the portrait of the pope executed by Velazquez in 1650. The painting takes up more broadly the iconography of portraits of the pope, sitting haloed in red initiated by Raphael.
The portrait of an innocent X, revisited by Bacon, has become an icon of art history, yet when I saw it in Rome it was a real aesthetic shock that gripped me.
oil painting
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