"Infinite Mountains" is a captivating monochromatic artwork created entirely from delicate white paper. Meticulously crafted, it features strips of paper torn on one side and skillfully layered to form a breathtaking mountainscape. The torn edges of the paper strips add a subtle yet inviting texture to the artwork, enhancing its depth and visual appeal.
Measuring at 15.75x15.75 inches. Mounted on a 20x20-inch foam board and framed in white frame, it captures the serene beauty of endless mountains.
"Infinite Mountains" is an invitation to contemplate the timeless beauty of nature's grandeur, brought to life through the delicate artistry of paper.
Paper, foam board
3 Artist Reviews
"Infinite Mountains" is a captivating monochromatic artwork created entirely from delicate white paper. Meticulously crafted, it features strips of paper torn on one side and skillfully layered to form a breathtaking mountainscape. The torn edges of the paper strips add a subtle yet inviting texture to the artwork, enhancing its depth and visual appeal.
Measuring at 15.75x15.75 inches. Mounted on a 20x20-inch foam board and framed in white frame, it captures the serene beauty of endless mountains.
"Infinite Mountains" is an invitation to contemplate the timeless beauty of nature's grandeur, brought to life through the delicate artistry of paper.
Paper, foam board
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