"Horizon Fragments" is a three-piece abstract series created with the innovative shellac burn technique, highlighting the fusion of organic textures and rich colors. The encaustic process lends the work a unique depth, with golden tones and deep blues echoing natural landscapes. Each panel (20x20 cm) can be displayed individually or as a cohesive set.
This work will be delivered with Care Instructions for my encaustic paintings and a signed certificate of authenticity. Carefully packaged and tracked shipping. I ship this work in cardboard boxes carefully wrapped in bubble foil and protect the painting with cardboard. If you like my paintings you can have a piece of art for your beloved place.
- the colors in life may slightly vary from the photo due to lighting sources or monitor settings.
- the parcel will be sent from Hungary. Should the delivery address be outside the EU, the recipient may need to declare the painting and pay some local VAT and customs duties.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Encaustic mixed media, hot wax, pigments, ink, shellac on MDF
3 Artist Reviews
"Horizon Fragments" is a three-piece abstract series created with the innovative shellac burn technique, highlighting the fusion of organic textures and rich colors. The encaustic process lends the work a unique depth, with golden tones and deep blues echoing natural landscapes. Each panel (20x20 cm) can be displayed individually or as a cohesive set.
This work will be delivered with Care Instructions for my encaustic paintings and a signed certificate of authenticity. Carefully packaged and tracked shipping. I ship this work in cardboard boxes carefully wrapped in bubble foil and protect the painting with cardboard. If you like my paintings you can have a piece of art for your beloved place.
- the colors in life may slightly vary from the photo due to lighting sources or monitor settings.
- the parcel will be sent from Hungary. Should the delivery address be outside the EU, the recipient may need to declare the painting and pay some local VAT and customs duties.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Encaustic mixed media, hot wax, pigments, ink, shellac on MDF
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