The story unfolds beyond the boundaries of everyday life, where the essence of the girl smoothly merges with the essence of a magnificent bird, whose golden yellow feathers shimmer like the sun's rays. Together they share a look, a direction, as if two souls intertwined in a harmonious dance of symbiosis, and the bird is like a guardian angel. Through this painting, I explore the deep connection between humanity and nature, the delicate balance of existence and the beauty of unity. Immerse yourself in the symbolism of transformation, protection and spiritual awakening, depicted through colorful and emotional strokes and feel the magic of connectivity.
Contemporary expressive painting from The Secret Series.
• The artwork was created using only high-quality materials.
• The painting is mounted on a rigid fiberboard base.
• Sold unframed. Framing is available on request.
• The surface is covered with satin varnish to protect the painting from moisture, dust, and temperature changes. It prolongs the life of the painting and prevents the destruction of pigments that often cause fading of the artwork.
• Signed on the front and back, the Certificate of Authenticity is included.
- Other important information -
• The live painting looks better than in the photos!
• I pack the painting very carefully, so you can be sure you will receive it safe and well! All you have to do is unpack the parcel, find a good place for the painting, hang it on the wall, and enjoy!
- Note for international customers -
The price of the artwork or shipping costs do not include import duties, taxes, and fees. These costs are the customer's responsibility and may vary depending on the recipient's country.
Should you have any additional questions about this work of art, I am glad to assist you.
oil and gilding on oil paper
37 Artist Reviews
The story unfolds beyond the boundaries of everyday life, where the essence of the girl smoothly merges with the essence of a magnificent bird, whose golden yellow feathers shimmer like the sun's rays. Together they share a look, a direction, as if two souls intertwined in a harmonious dance of symbiosis, and the bird is like a guardian angel. Through this painting, I explore the deep connection between humanity and nature, the delicate balance of existence and the beauty of unity. Immerse yourself in the symbolism of transformation, protection and spiritual awakening, depicted through colorful and emotional strokes and feel the magic of connectivity.
Contemporary expressive painting from The Secret Series.
• The artwork was created using only high-quality materials.
• The painting is mounted on a rigid fiberboard base.
• Sold unframed. Framing is available on request.
• The surface is covered with satin varnish to protect the painting from moisture, dust, and temperature changes. It prolongs the life of the painting and prevents the destruction of pigments that often cause fading of the artwork.
• Signed on the front and back, the Certificate of Authenticity is included.
- Other important information -
• The live painting looks better than in the photos!
• I pack the painting very carefully, so you can be sure you will receive it safe and well! All you have to do is unpack the parcel, find a good place for the painting, hang it on the wall, and enjoy!
- Note for international customers -
The price of the artwork or shipping costs do not include import duties, taxes, and fees. These costs are the customer's responsibility and may vary depending on the recipient's country.
Should you have any additional questions about this work of art, I am glad to assist you.
oil and gilding on oil paper
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