SPECIAL OFFER for paper edition (30 X 42cm) - for any 3 ordered artworks 1 more FREE!
Original acrylic painting on mixed media paper.
Painting signed and dated on back side.
Delivery time is usually 7 - 20 business days after shipping date, but in some cases, you may need to wait few more days. The time of delivery does not include non-working days of the incoming and outgoing operator, the time when the package can be delayed at customs, and holidays of the incoming and outgoing operator.
Standard delivery:
Approximately 2–7 working days
Approximately 5–10 working days
USA / Canada
Approximately 10–20 working days
Rest of the World
Approximately 10–20 working days (depending on location)
acrylic on mixed media paper
6 Artist Reviews
SPECIAL OFFER for paper edition (30 X 42cm) - for any 3 ordered artworks 1 more FREE!
Original acrylic painting on mixed media paper.
Painting signed and dated on back side.
Delivery time is usually 7 - 20 business days after shipping date, but in some cases, you may need to wait few more days. The time of delivery does not include non-working days of the incoming and outgoing operator, the time when the package can be delayed at customs, and holidays of the incoming and outgoing operator.
Standard delivery:
Approximately 2–7 working days
Approximately 5–10 working days
USA / Canada
Approximately 10–20 working days
Rest of the World
Approximately 10–20 working days (depending on location)
acrylic on mixed media paper
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