Girl Number 1 (From the "The Girly Show" Series, 2014)
"Girl Number 1" is a vibrant and captivating piece of contemporary art that belongs to the dynamic series "The Girly Show," created in 2014. This series consists of eight pop and colorful paintings, each one a minimalist graphic portrait of modern young women. These artworks are a celebration of femininity and the essence of contemporary beauty.
In "Girl Number 1," Arty Jesse pays homage to the iconic supermodel Lara Stone. The portrait is a striking close-up that exudes sensuality and confidence. The use of bold, tangy colors and the signature red lips make this artwork a true standout. It's a perfect blend of modern minimalism and audacious glamour, making it an ideal addition to any art collection.
This piece captures the essence of a powerful and self-assured modern woman, embodying the spirit of the 21st century. "Girl Number 1" is not merely a painting; it's a statement piece that speaks volumes about the ever-evolving concept of beauty and the strength of contemporary femininity.
With its vivacious colors and alluring subject, "Girl Number 1" is a conversation starter that will infuse any space with energy and charm. Whether you're an art connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of art, this artwork is sure to make a lasting impression.
"Girl Number 1" will bring a touch of contemporary elegance and vitality into your life! Don't miss the chance to own a piece of "The Girly Show" series, a collection that celebrates the modern woman in all her glory.
acrylic, gesso
Girl Number 1 (From the "The Girly Show" Series, 2014)
"Girl Number 1" is a vibrant and captivating piece of contemporary art that belongs to the dynamic series "The Girly Show," created in 2014. This series consists of eight pop and colorful paintings, each one a minimalist graphic portrait of modern young women. These artworks are a celebration of femininity and the essence of contemporary beauty.
In "Girl Number 1," Arty Jesse pays homage to the iconic supermodel Lara Stone. The portrait is a striking close-up that exudes sensuality and confidence. The use of bold, tangy colors and the signature red lips make this artwork a true standout. It's a perfect blend of modern minimalism and audacious glamour, making it an ideal addition to any art collection.
This piece captures the essence of a powerful and self-assured modern woman, embodying the spirit of the 21st century. "Girl Number 1" is not merely a painting; it's a statement piece that speaks volumes about the ever-evolving concept of beauty and the strength of contemporary femininity.
With its vivacious colors and alluring subject, "Girl Number 1" is a conversation starter that will infuse any space with energy and charm. Whether you're an art connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of art, this artwork is sure to make a lasting impression.
"Girl Number 1" will bring a touch of contemporary elegance and vitality into your life! Don't miss the chance to own a piece of "The Girly Show" series, a collection that celebrates the modern woman in all her glory.
acrylic, gesso
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